Idea Exchanges: Collaboration Strategies: Supply Chain and Clinicians 
Date & Time
Wednesday, September 11, 2019, 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
Location Name
Grand Canyon 7

Host: Bruce Carlson, Health Care Resource, Supply Chain and Interim Staffin, R.B. Carlson and Associates, LLC

Continuing with the Collaboration theme that is driving this Fall’s Summit we want to provide you an opportunity to share your supply chain / clinician collaboration success strategies.
Possibly nothing impacts a supply chain professional’s day more than working with clinicians. It’s a unique relationship that isn’t mimicked in any other industry, but it drives the success of your IDNs supply chain. We’ll provide you a forum to discuss strategies, pitfalls, personalities, the role of suppliers in this relationship and other events that drive the dialogue between supply chain and clinician.

Learning Objectives:
1. Analyze ways to improve the relationship between providers and clinicians. 
2. Identify opportunities where suppliers can positively impact the supply chain and clinician relationship.
3. Construct successful programs that you can utilize to improve your supply chain by enhancing your relationship with clinicians.